Monthly Archives: October 2011

Jayme McGowan from Roadside Projects | by Pretty Paper Things

Every so often I come across work by paper artists that make me a little giddy. Recently I discovered the work of Jayme McGowan, a Sacramento-based artist who runs a studio called Roadside Projects and yes, I swooned. I think you will too. Jayme’s intricate hand cut images feature new and re-purposed paper that has been glued carefully into place with steady hands and tweezers. Piece by piece she creates 3D scenes that are just breathtaking. You really can’t help but stare at them and admire the amount of work that goes into creating each whimsical scene. Jayme has an Etsy shop full of incredible prints and original 3D paper cut artwork that you’ve got to check out.

(Photo credit: Roadside Projects)

Guest post by Krissy from Pretty Paper Things – visit her blog here