Daily Archives: November 22, 2011

Giveaway | Skye’s the Limit

Today we start our giveaways from Issue 3 and first up is from Skye’s the Limit.  You may recognise Skye as our guest DIY blogger as well.  She is one clever chic!  Skye’s the Limit is a manufacturer of unique stationery and gift ranges based in Sydney, Australia. Founded by illustrator Skye Rogers, each product created by Skye’s the Limit carries Skye’s unique sense of style.  Skye has kindly given a lucky Paper Runway reader the chance to win a box of 5 mini boxes goodies from her naturals range.

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We had a chat to Skye from her family farm at Tallebudgera valley, enjoy …

STL is a boutique stationery card and gift business I began in 2007.It started from me printing cards out on my desktop printer and has grown to fill a warehouse on the outskirts of Sydney!

I began it because I wanted to make a living from drawing, and it was the only way I knew how to!I’d been licensing designs to other companies (still do in fact) and had realised they sold well and were viable for other companies, so why didn’t I back myself for a change? It’s ended up being a very happy story.

What I love  most about it is the freedom to design and illustrate without a strict brief,and all the odd and rewarding connections you make. Running a business is not what I ever thought I’d be doing, however. I’m so very left or right brain- whichever is the one that’s arty!:), that I can’t add up!

I love that Paper Runway exists! And that it runs out of small-town Australia and looks so very professional and international. I love the way PR profiles people and ideas that chime so well with what I’m into and what I believe is the way of the future – crafty/arty people creating richly textured and innovative lives for themselves. I love people who ‘have a go’ and aren’t afraid to go back to lo-fi ways of creating individual art and craft.I love that paper is so available and so reusable.The ‘art’ inherent in it isn’t necessarily revealed until you start to really look and ‘play.’

Fave product right now hmm…anything by Ayame Kikuchi…very clever lass!

What place most inspires me Stores that proffer hand-made and vintage looks, anywhere in the world, most inspire me! And Sri Lanka and the Tallebudgera valley in QLD,(where I’m writing this from) where we have a family farm.

If I could do a different job what would it be… I do write non fiction, I guess, so that would probably be it.Though I find writing full-time lonely and a bit isolating. No-one wants to discuss your sentences at the end of the day, let’s face it. But everyone’s happy to give feedback on a drawing or hand-made object. Otherwise, I can’t even imagine doing anything else…I am totally unemployable for so many reasons!

Fave homemade gift to give: a doll-portrait, I guess. I’ve made a few of them over the years and people seem to love them:) (They are painted calico, sewn up and stuffed with pillow filling).

Short questions:
Black or White |White
Tea or Coffee | Tea
Heels or Flat | Flats
Long or Short | Short(except if its a maragrita!)
Sweet or Savoury | Savoury

To enter the giveaway from Skye’s the Limit it is as simply as

To enter the giveaway it is as simple as leaving a comment below as well as –
1. purchasing Paper Runway here
2. subscribing to Paper Runway here
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5. Follow us on Pinterest

Entries close midnight Sunday 27 November 2011.  Winner will be notified on the blog, facebook and via email.

x Nikki and Maree